The products you are looking for, sold and shipped by Amazon!

Why buy products sold and shipped by Amazon?

When an item is sold and shipped by Amazon, shipping is FREE for orders equal to or greater than € 29, and if you are a PRIME customer, shipping is free regardless of the amount of the order

In addition, the Amazon warranty and return conditions apply::

  1. you have 30 days from the delivery date to return the item, without having to specify a reason
  2. you have a 2-year warranty and you can get a refund of the total paid at the time of purchase or replacement of the item

In case of returns, shipments are paid by Amazon with courier collection or delivery to a post office closest to you.

But it is necessary that the products are SOLD and SHIPPED by Amazon!

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Do you have a VAT number?

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Try Prime Video FREE

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At the end of the free use period, your subscription continues for just $ 9.99 per month. The subscription can be canceled at any time.

Try Kindle Unlimited FREE

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Marriage in the air?

With the new Amazon Wedding Registry, future spouses can create their Wedding List choosing from the millions of products on Amazon, and more!

  • Take inspiration from the list of the most popular wedding gifts
  • Discover the selection of suggested products, divided by category
  • Share your wedding list with friends and family with just one click, via email or via social media
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  • Download “Amazon Assistant” and add products external to Amazon to the list as well
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  • Prime customers receive unlimited fast deliveries at no additional cost
Try Amazon Wedding Registry FREE